I am not a
physician, sports therapist, nor a trainer. I am an athlete with a long resume
of training, training mistakes, and injuries. I was a professional research
writer for the government for 12 years, 10 in the military (Active and Reserve
and a few as a contractor). That being said, if you have any injury related
For those of you
who don’t trust the medical and pharmaceutical industry, because they only make
money when we get sick or injured, let’s get started.
With calisthenics,
there is far less risk of injury than of a weight dropping on you, or doing a
movement with absolutely injurious form. Even using machines to isolate a
muscle group can cause painful injuries to joints. With bodyweight-only
exercises, our bodies move more naturally. We find our groove faster and
easier. There are still injuries to be had. The two most common are pattern
overload and a muscular imbalance that causes a tit in the lumbo-pelvic girdle.
The two most
Pattern Overload, as explained at T-Nation, is one cause of joint pain. You
could also call this overuse of pattern movement or repetitive stress The same
thing can happen with other joints.
Quarterbacks throw
passes in the range of hundreds of thousands to the million range, causing
shoulder and elbow injuries. Tennis players get elbow and knee injuries. We
have mentioned carpal tunnel syndrome. Runners often develop knee injuries, as
do soldiers in the infantry who spend weeks on end conducting long foot patrols
with one or two hundred pounds of gear on their backs, not to mention the back
problems they develop in the process, too. These are examples of Pattern
The military, by
the way, has a very skewed view on doing physical training. Just as an FYI,
folks, the Army and Navy, having served in both, I can say this about both of
them. They will insist that there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing the
absolute same exercise daily. Do it the same way. Every day. Day after day. The
number of soldiers I have seen develop confirmed shoulder injuries by just
doing the one standard type of push-up leaves me shaking my head. So, how does
one deal with pattern overload? Grunt Candy (a handful of 800mg Motrin washed
down with a Red Bull and coffee)? No, not if you have any intention of keeping
your kdneys. Here are the two things you need for prevention:
1. Stretch and warm up/cool-down,
before and after your workout. This gives your body time to adjust and move
blood and nutrients into the regions that you will be stressing. This should
take no less than 10 minutes.
2. Change the manner in which you are
doing the exercise. There are many different types of push-ups. Diamonds, wide
spaced, and turning your hands to different angles to change the direction of
stress and the muscles involvement. Pull-ups and chin-ups engage muscles
differently, too. Vary hand width. Switch it up as much as you can. Even try
throwing a towel over the bar and grabbing each end to do your pull-ups. This
is a fantastic way to firm up your grip if you’re into grappling. Keep your
training fresh and creative to avoid the mental rut and Pattern Overload.
Imbalances occur when one muscle group around a joint is trained to be stronger
than the other muscle groups around that joint. The result is pain and injury.
The most common areas where this happens that I am familiar with are the hips
and pelvic girdle and in the shoulders.
The technical term
for the region we are talking about is the lumbo-pelvic hip girdle. It’s where
the lower lumbar region of the spine connects to the hip girdle. That should be
the most technical we get in terminology.
By using
treadmills exclusively or too frequently, the muscles and tendons at the front
of your hips and hip flexors getting most use. This is because the motorized
belt is assisting in bringing your legs back while you are using the muscles
and tendons in and around the hip flexors to lift and bring your legs forward.
It is this mechanical assist from the moving belt that effectively eliminates
use of your glutes and anterior muscles & tendons around the hip girdle.
Over time this
muscular offset will create a tilt in the pelvis. This tilt leads to increasing
pain in the lower lumbar region.
How these injuries
occur is really quite simple and, thankfully, so is avoiding them. The
treadmill is a really convenient training device to have. You live in an
apartment or a condo and don’t have a place to go running, or maybe your gym
doesn’t have an attached running track. Whatever it is, you have the best
access to a treadmill.
Treating these
injuries takes nothing more than patience and time.
1. Use a Lacrosse Ball to deeply
massage the injured area. You don’t need to spend $30 or even $20 dollars on
some shiny plastic vibrating thingy from the electronic gadget store at the
mall. You can, if you want, but it’s not necessary. You could save a few bucks
by just getting a lacrosse ball. Use it by pressing it as deeply into the sore
or injured areas as you are comfortable with and roll it around. Press it
between your back and the wall to hit those hard to reach places, too.
2. Sometimes, using wraps like lifting
straps or ace bandages may be useful in supporting the injured joint until
healed and back to full strength. What that feels like and what that level is
will be up to you and your physician. 3. Use the R-I-C-E acronym to treat pain
and injuries. This means Rest Ice Compression Elevation during the first 72
hours after the injury.
From my own
experience and what I have read these should be the best and the worst of the
injuries you face. No guarantee on this. There will always be someone who makes
it happen...maybe they blow an ACL or tear something or were recovering from a
previous injury. If you are concerned about a pain or these tips are not helping, see a professional without any further delay.
From the No-Frills-No-Cost-No-Excuses Gym, Train Hard. Train Smart. Train for life!
From the No-Frills-No-Cost-No-Excuses Gym, Train Hard. Train Smart. Train for life!
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