Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Life lessons from the Gym, pt 2

Going to the gym is a lifestyle for many. Time spent there brings people together. Under the iron we learn intrinsic lessons. These lessons carry on into life outside the gym.

One of these lessons is that we are each stronger than we think we are.

- Are stronger than we think we are

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the nationwide standard for men aged 20 to 49 should be between 13 and 28 pushups, and for women in the same age range, it should be between 11 and 20 ( 

This is more than just moving your body or moving weights with your body. Handling weights at regular intervals teaches you how to dig deep for another rep. You heart friends telling their training partner to get another couple of reps in each set. You may have been the one under the bar looking for what was needed to get that final rep. The bar moves ever so slowly. Muscles ache and quiver. The person under the weight is breathing faster and heavier to provide needed oxygen to those muscles.

This lesson carries over outside of the gym. The consistent facing of a physical challenge teaches you that, somewhere deep inside, is that something you need to go another step or repetition further. Outside the gym that lesson helps you to realize how capable you really are. It shows you that your fortitude runs deeper than you had ever imagined. This is key to completing tasks which seem insurmountable. This is key in facing life’s challenges. This is key when confronting our own demons.

We handle stress and pain better than we previously thought

Lifting weights, jogging, whatever our physical training teaches us, through experience, that we can handle pain. We face physical pain after many workouts. This is the result of lactic acid building up in the fatigued muscles. The muscles themselves have undergone trauma. Yet, the day after, life goes on. We have to participate in life regardless of the residual pain. The body reacts by rebuilding and becoming stronger. We take that basic lesson and apply it to other areas of our life to see that adversity makes us stronger.

There is another pain threshold we face and learn from. Success comes with hard work. By digging deeper into our fortitude and finding strength for a few more reps, or running a few steps faster, we learn to persevere. 

- Stronger sense of self

These previous two lessons help us see ourselves in a different light. We have gained insight into being more capable than we had thought. This now found understanding begins to fill a wellspring of confidence. Physically, our posture changes. We stand up straighter and taller. We step out with inner strength as if nothing in our path will dissuade or impede us.

We have learned that we adapt to stresses in our lives, that these stresses make us better. We put our body and mind through the crucible of fitness training. As a result our confidence grows. We know better what we can handle. We know better that challenges will always be present. We know that we can overcome. As Leonardo da Vinci had put into his codex, every obstacle is destroyed through rigor.

These lessons from the gym translate into other aspects of our lives. They transform us deeply. Keep training and keep growing.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Training Splits

Lifting weights has a multitude of benefits. Stronger bones, reducing loss of muscle tissue in older demographics, and improved mood are just a few of these benefits. Training schedules come in nearly the same variety as trainees. 

Cycling or changing up your lifting routine is important as the body is highly adaptive. Training is actually breaking down of muscle fibers and, as a result, traumatic to your body at that moment. Recovery, ilwhich is talked about later in here, is vital to growing stronger. During recovery our bodies repair the broken muscle fibers, this is how we grow stronger, faster, or bigger & more powerful. 

We adapt to the stresses of a routine. In this way muscle growth stagnates. Changing how you train every three to four months keeps the body guessing and from becoming stagnant in the routine. 

Why split training? Why not just workout daily? Recovery is when we get stronger and bigger, not during the workout, as stated. Splits allow for us to rebuild and recover after we tear ourselves apart in the gym. I am going to go over three splits with you. The three-day, four-day, and six-day splits. Each day of the split is a road map to your strength and health.


The first and most common split is to work the full body three times a week. This allows for varied intensity at each session. For instance, one can lift with moderate intensity on Monday, do a light effort on Wednesday, and then go for broke and do heavy intensity on Friday. This allows for two days of recovery. The moderate intensity keeps your training schedule and growth going. The light day allows you to train and keep things moving, too. The high intensity day gives you two days to recover before you train again.

This split has you training benchpress, squat, and rowing as well as the accessory or support muscles. This includes, but is not limited to:

Squat or Deadlift (I’ve been coached to not do these on the same day)


Bent or Seated rowing

Dumbbell press

Pectoral flies

Triceps extensions

Tricep push down 

Standing curls

Decline dumbbell curls 


This split can be worked with a wide range of sets and repetitions. You can set it up as 3x10, 5x5, or tailored to your needs and desires. It works the major compound movements as well as isolating the supporting muscles. By integrating dumbbells, like the dumbbell press, you can increase the range of motion for a worked group. The dumbbell press pairs well after benchpress. By working deeper in your natural range you will find it easier to benchpress out of the bottom of the range of motion.


Another common split is a four-day routine. It breaks training into push and pull days. This, as I have done, schedules two push days and two pull days each week. It could also be a lower body one day and upper body the next. Get creative and see what you can arrange with this split as there are many routines you can write or find to fill this need.

The exercises may vary, but they generally focus on big compound movements first, then the smaller support exercises. Monday and Thursday would be push days. These would start with squats and benchpress. I’ve also kept shoulder press on these days. Then, the routine brings in the support muscles. This way you also get to hit deltoids, chest, and triceps as individually targeted muscles.

Pull day is set up similarly to push day, but for pulling exercises. Start off with deadlift. Then, do bent and upright rows. Add shrugs and movements to isolate lats and biceps and you have a full routine. 

When I did this split, it looked like



Leg curls

Leg extension

Calf raise


Shoulder press

Dumbbell flies for pecs

Lateral raises

Skull crushers 



Bent row with underhand grip (focus on lats)

Bent row overhand wide grip (focus on rhomboids and mid traps)

Upright row (deltoids and traps)

Lateral raises (also deltoids and traps)



Decline dumbbell curls

This provides for a solid level of effort and enables you to have adequate rest time between sessions. 


Then, there is a six-day split. Like the four-day routine the body is fully worked out twice each week. This schedule allows for a greater focus on core lifts and the supporting muscles than the other two splits. One of the benefits of this schedule is that you do not need to spend two or three hours, or more, in the gym at each session. For instance, my workouts are 45 minutes to an hour. Overall, with six days in the gym, I am spending less time in the gym each week than with the other two splits. 

This split is designed to work each body part twice each week. It can be done with varying techniques and/or intensity levels. Each day is easily tailored to fit your schedule. The primary format for this is squat and legs, back, and then chest each on different days. 

MONDAY, THURSDAY — squat and legs or deadlift and legs

TUESDAY, FRIDAY — rowing, upper back, shoulders, and biceps.

WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY — benchpress, chest, shoulders, and triceps

Abdominals are not specifically listed, though I do work abs four days out of the six. This split allows two to three days recovery for each body section worked. Pick your preferred ab routine. 

For each specific day put in support or isolation exercises. These will specifically target the muscles that you worked in the compound movement. For clarification, let’s look at Monday and Thursday since those will be leg day. 

Squat or Deadlift (alternating these in the week enables you to have experience with the deadlift and allows a high intensity leg day on Monday with a moderate intensity on Thursday, or reverse that as you like)

Stiff legged deadlift

Bulgarian split squats

Leg curl

Leg extension

Calf press/raise


Alternating muscle groups is by design. This workout begins with one or two compound exercises. Then, it progresses by isolating the muscles already worked for targeted training. This works by over exerting the targeted muscle group through thorough training. It hits from the larger compound movements and specifically focuses on the other muscles within said compound movement. Simply put, it works the whole and the parts synergistically. The two to three days off between body parts allows for a full recovery. 

The intensity levels used can vary based on your personal recovery capacity. This capacity is impacted by many factors. Some of these factors include your age, diet, other stress factors in your life, and sleep. When you go into the gym these factors will impact how much you can give in training. What I do is the first three days of the cycle are worked with maximum intensity. I try to achieve all sets and proscribed reps so that I can increase the weight. The second three days are done with moderate intensity. This is to work through the soreness and keep the body moving. This aids recovery. When I do not achieve the next weight increase, I log how many more repetitions I completed as opposed to the last session. 

Tracking reps in my log and showing also how many more I completed each session motivates and encourages me. I can see when, where, and how I’m growing stronger. Tracking progress is vital to success.

Keep cycling and keep your body growing. Train hard and train smart.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Training Splits


Lifting weights has a multitude of benefits. Stronger bones, reducing loss of muscle tissue in older demographics, and improved mood are just a few of these benefits. Training schedules come in nearly the same variety as trainees. 

Cycling or changing up your lifting routine is important as the body is highly adaptive. Training is actually breaking down of muscle fibers and, as a result, traumatic to your body at that moment. Recovery, ilwhich is talked about later in here, is vital to growing stronger. During recovery our bodies repair the broken muscle fibers, this is how we grow stronger, faster, or bigger & more powerful. 

We adapt to the stresses of a routine. In this way muscle growth stagnates. Changing how you train every three to four months keeps the body guessing and from becoming stagnant in the routine. 

Why split training? Why not just workout daily? Recovery is when we get stronger and bigger, not during the workout, as stated. Splits allow for us to rebuild and recover after we tear ourselves apart in the gym. I am going to go over three splits with you. The three-day, four-day, and six-day splits. Each day of the split is a road map to your strength and health.


The first and most common split is to work the full body three times a week. This allows for varied intensity at each session. For instance, one can lift with moderate intensity on Monday, do a light effort on Wednesday, and then go for broke and do heavy intensity on Friday. This allows for two days of recovery. The moderate intensity keeps your training schedule and growth going. The light day allows you to train and keep things moving, too. The high intensity day gives you two days to recover before you train again.

This split has you training benchpress, squat, and rowing as well as the accessory or support muscles. This includes, but is not limited to:

Squat or Deadlift (I’ve been coached to not do these on the same day)


Bent or Seated rowing

Dumbbell press

Pectoral flies

Triceps extensions

Tricep push down 

Standing curls

Decline dumbbell curls 


This split can be worked with a wide range of sets and repetitions. You can set it up as 3x10, 5x5, or tailored to your needs and desires. It works the major compound movements as well as isolating the supporting muscles. By integrating dumbbells, like the dumbbell press, you can increase the range of motion for a worked group. The dumbbell press pairs well after benchpress. By working deeper in your natural range you will find it easier to benchpress out of the bottom of the range of motion.


Another common split is a four-day routine. It breaks training into push and pull days. This, as I have done, schedules two push days and two pull days each week. It could also be a lower body one day and upper body the next. Get creative and see what you can arrange with this split as there are many routines you can write or find to fill this need.

The exercises may vary, but they generally focus on big compound movements first, then the smaller support exercises. Monday and Thursday would be push days. These would start with squats and benchpress. I’ve also kept shoulder press on these days. Then, the routine brings in the support muscles. This way you also get to hit deltoids, chest, and triceps as individually targeted muscles.

Pull day is set up similarly to push day, but for pulling exercises. Start off with deadlift. Then, do bent and upright rows. Add shrugs and movements to isolate lats and biceps and you have a full routine. 

When I did this split, it looked like



Leg curls

Leg extension

Calf raise


Shoulder press

Dumbbell flies for pecs

Lateral raises

Skull crushers 



Bent row with underhand grip (focus on lats)

Bent row overhand wide grip (focus on rhomboids and mid traps)

Upright row (deltoids and traps)

Lateral raises (also deltoids and traps)



Decline dumbbell curls

This provides for a solid level of effort and enables you to have adequate rest time between sessions. 


Then, there is a six-day split. Like the four-day routine the body is fully worked out twice each week. This schedule allows for a greater focus on core lifts and the supporting muscles than the other two splits. One of the benefits of this schedule is that you do not need to spend two or three hours, or more, in the gym at each session. For instance, my workouts are 45 minutes to an hour. Overall, with six days in the gym, I am spending less time in the gym each week than with the other two splits. 

This split is designed to work each body part twice each week. It can be done with varying techniques and/or intensity levels. Each day is easily tailored to fit your schedule. The primary format for this is squat and legs, back, and then chest each on different days. 

MONDAY, THURSDAY — squat and legs or deadlift and legs

TUESDAY, FRIDAY — rowing, upper back, shoulders, and biceps.

WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY — benchpress, chest, shoulders, and triceps

Abdominals are not specifically listed, though I do work abs four days out of the six. This split allows two to three days recovery for each body section worked. Pick your preferred ab routine. 

For each specific day put in support or isolation exercises. These will specifically target the muscles that you worked in the compound movement. For clarification, let’s look at Monday and Thursday since those will be leg day. 

Squat or Deadlift (alternating these in the week enables you to have experience with the deadlift and allows a high intensity leg day on Monday with a moderate intensity on Thursday, or reverse that as you like)

Stiff legged deadlift

Bulgarian split squats

Leg curl

Leg extension

Calf press/raise


Alternating muscle groups is by design. This workout begins with one or two compound exercises. Then, it progresses by isolating the muscles already worked for targeted training. This works by over exerting the targeted muscle group through thorough training. It hits from the larger compound movements and specifically focuses on the other muscles within said compound movement. Simply put, it works the whole and the parts synergistically. The two to three days off between body parts allows for a full recovery. 

The intensity levels used can vary based on your personal recovery capacity. This capacity is impacted by many factors. Some of these factors include your age, diet, other stress factors in your life, and sleep. When you go into the gym these factors will impact how much you can give in training. What I do is the first three days of the cycle are worked with maximum intensity. I try to achieve all sets and proscribed reps so that I can increase the weight. The second three days are done with moderate intensity. This is to work through the soreness and keep the body moving. This aids recovery. When I do not achieve the next weight increase, I log how many more repetitions I completed as opposed to the last session. 

Tracking reps in my log and showing also how many more I completed each session motivates and encourages me. I can see when, where, and how I’m growing stronger. Tracking progress is vital to success.

Keep cycling and keep your body growing. Train hard and train smart.