Thursday, October 16, 2014

Core Workout

Studies, and experience, show that sit-ups are harsh. They force your lower spine into an unnatural curve, cause rubbing and undue pressure on the tailbone where nerves are the least protected.

There are several benefits to having a powerful core. First, when all the muscles around the core are strong they hold your body upright in good posture, which means less pain. Second, these muscle groups act somewhat like a girdle. The muscles will lift and pull in the tissue that is supported by them giving a more immediate appearance of weight loss as your waist becomes smaller in diameter. There are more, but these two are the primary focus of this article.

A strong core is supports all of your body movements. If it's weak then your entire body is weak. When the core is strong and supple, your body is stronger and you feel better. Your posture and balance both improve.

Abdominal routines are not mega calorie burners. It is recommended that you also add a smart diet and aerobic activity to see the fullest results, and those sculpted abs.

Muscles of the Core
The muscles that are referred to include the abdominals (the six pack section, rectus abdominus), abdominal obliques (hidden under the “love handles”), those long muscles that hold your spine upright that are called the erector spinae, and your glutes. There are several more layers of muscles underneath these, but detailing those is not necessary; they all get worked.

Before starting any routine, clear it with your doctor first. You want to be certain that you are healthy enough to train. If something hurts that is more than the delayed onset muscle soreness, which should last one or two days and lessen as you train, stop the routine and see your doctor.

One other point needs to be made before going to the routine. As a powerlifter, I was constantly told form first and the strength will follow. That applies here, as well. Once you lose solid form in any of these exercises that set is finished. Two more repetitions are not worth the risk of injury.

Bridge – Laying on your back, bend your knees and lift your hips while your shoulders and arms stay on the floor
Hold for 2 to 4 counts, then lower your hips or hold the position for a set period of time
If holding it static, start at 20 seconds and work up to longer periods
Keep your knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line
Do this for 3 sets

Planks – Can be done with your elbows on the floor or from your hands in a static push-up position
Tighten your abs and lift your hips
Keep your knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line
Do not let your hips sag down or your buttock stick up in the air
Hold this up position for 2 to 4 counts, then lower your hips or hold the position for a set period of time. If holding it static, start at 20 seconds and work up to longer periods slowly

Side Planks – Lying on your side with your right elbow and foot on the floor, reach up with your left hand, tighten your obliques to slowly lift your hips into alignment with both your knees and shoulders
Hold this up position for 2 to 4 counts, then lower your hips or hold the position for a set period of time
If holding it static, start at 20 seconds and work up to longer periods slowly
Superman – Laying /on your stomach, stretch your arms straight in front of you and point your toes so that you look like Superman flying
At the same time, lift your hips and shoulders up away from the floor
Hold this up position for 2 to 4 counts, then lower your hips or hold the position for a set period of time. If holding it static, start at 20 seconds and work up to longer periods slowly.

Squats with Knee Lift – Stand with your feet shoulders width apart
Keep your abs tight and your shoulders and head up, when performing the squat it may help to look upwards at the ceiling as this will keep your back upright and aligned (powerlifting safety tip that really works)
Bend your knees and lower your hips
Stand up
As you are standing upright lift one knee up to hip height
Repeat, this time raising your other knee to complete one repetition
Do 3 sets of 10

Back Lunges – Stand up straight and tall
Step backwards with one foot
Lower your back knee gently to the floor
Return to the starting position
Repeat with the other leg for one repetition
Your forward knee should not extend further than your toes
Do 3 sets of 10

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