Tuesday, December 3, 2019

12-Week Cycle

         About 8 weeks ago I pulled a 12-week cycle out of the depths of my memory. The notebook I logged it in years ago has long since disappeared. I tried my best to rebuild the 12-Weeks to Mass routine. 

         This has two split variations, the traditional 3-day split and a lesser used 4-day split. The routine is a push/pull setup. One Day One you do push muscle groups (Squat, {include leg extensions and toe raise}, Bench Press, Shoulder Press {barbell or dumbbell}, triceps extensions, and abs). Day Two is the pulling groups (Deadlift {include leg curls, back extensions}, Bent Row, Upright Row, Curls, Abs.

         The idea is to keep each workout at about the same length of time. Yes, Gym Rats, we all love the sound and smell of the iron; however, many of us do have family to spend time with. Or, friends outside of the gym. Yes, I know ... this may come as a shock to some, but there can be friendships outside of the gym. I made some very good and lasting friendships in a local MMA club. I haven’t been for a long time, but I do intend to go back. One thing we love about our relationship is that lifters can eat lots of hits. Smiling. It’s frighteningly fun!

But, I digress!! Anyway, the traditional 3-day split alternates the Day One and Day Two workout every other day. Week 1 will have you doing two Day One workouts, or two push days and one pull day. Week 2 will have you doing two pull days and one push. Easy enough, right?

The 4-day split is Monday/Tuesday:Thursday/Friday. Monday and Thursday are both Day One, push, days. Tuesday and Fridays are Day Two, pull, days. 

Doing abdominals at each workout is not a problem. This massive muscle group adapts quickly and responds very well. Personally, I do planks for increasing amounts of time followed immediately by bicycle crunches. 

Again, I’m at Week 8 of 12. I’m enjoying some great gains in strength. I’ve come from nearly cold and jumping back into the gym to adding 80 pounds to my squat and deadlift. My bench has not increased so dramatically, it has gone up 30 pounds in the first 8 weeks. My rowing lags as, when I get there, my back wants to get away from me.

I can’t wait to update you at the end of the 12 weeks.

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